Dutch experts are visiting Georgian Greenhouse Corporation

30 October, 2019

Dutch Lighting Experts have visited JSC Georgian Greenhouse Corporation and shared their experience with local team of agro engineers. Experts conducted a masterclass concerning the grow light solutions that create the optimum balance of light intensity, energy consumption and crop growth, resulting in the highest possible yield.

Georgian Greenhouse Corporati on has recently installed artificial grow-lights within the facility that will enhance the yield of cucumbers by 80-100% and increase the volume of tomato varieties by 30-40% during the winter season.

The greenhouse has a substantial impact on the local population, employing 235 workers, mostly from the neighboring towns and villages. In addition, GGC engages experienced Dutch and French agricultural engineers, technology experts and biologists, who meticulously manage the production process and train the local workforce.

As a note, JSC Georgian Greenhouse Corporation is a modern greenhouse facility that offers a stable supply of fresh vegetables to foreign and domestic markets throughout the year. Total investment to date amounts to US$34 million. The initial stage of constructing of 4.5 hectares of modern greenhouse facilities was completed in 2014.In 2016, the greenhouse facility was expanded to a coverage area of 11.9 hectares, with most of the new capacity dedicated to tomato cultivation.